We are looking for a Restaurant Manager to work in our restauran

We are looking for a Restaurant Manager to work in our restaurant located in Cranbrook. Job information Employer Hans Global Enterprises Ltd. dba Sakura Sushi & Grill Job Title Restaurant Manager Job Location 1015 Baker St. Cranbrook BC V1C 1A6 Terms of Employment Permanent Fulltime shift Wage 32.00 per hour Hours of Work 30-40 hours per week Benefit 10 days paid vacation a year OR 4% of vacation pay. Vacant 1 position Language English Job Duties Maintain an inventory of basic supplies as required. Train staff assign job duties and make sure that they are able to follow their duties. Hire new employees and train them Assign employee s work schedule Deal with customer s complaints and solve the problems. Responsible for keeping stocks and ingredients fresh. Develop and create the restaurant s menu. Manage the main suppliers. Job Requirements Education Completion of secondary school is required Experience Completion of a college or equivalent program related hospitality or food and beverage service managementor Minimum 2 3 years experience in this field including supervisory experience How to apply By Email sakuragrill2014(at)gmail.com



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