Fully Remote - Transcript Editor

This is your opportunity to start a lifelong career with limitless opportunity at Jco Digital Media. We have several remote positions to offer which you can refer to the image. Benefits Safe work environment Multiple shifts are readily available from morning to night and no experience is required. You will have sufficient opportunity for growth Part-time available - select the days and hours you want to work A dedication to promote from within Responsibilities Must be able to perform duties with or without reasonable accommodation Perform all other tasks as appointed Assist in creating a favorable professional and safe work environment Qualifications No experience needed Willing to train Native english speaker Ability to work within recognized turnaround times Must have exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to arrange simultaneous tasks Excellent verbal and written communication abilities Basic computer knowledge Please introduce yourself and the position you ll be applying for via e-mail jaycecodigitalmedia(at)gmail.com. Do not send us your resume directly.



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