Kelly &ndash Female Maine Coon Kitten

We have a gorgeous group of Maine Coon kittens. We got adorable female kitten by name Kelly available. Our Maine Coons were imported in from Russia and Europe. We were very selective on who we bought our parents from. We wanted the best that would have amazing babies. They come pre spoiled loved vaccines and wormings. Our kittens are TICA registered. We raise them in our home with our children and other pets. If your looking for a kitten that comes from a small cattery and a great home you have found him or her. We can ship our kitties to all states and Canada contact us for pricing and details. We hope you find room in your heart and home for one of our precious gentle giants babies We offer only 2 types of delivery s available-kittens Cargo Air Delivery. We use DeltaCargo AmericanAirlines United airlines(PetSafe) and Alaska airlines as our main carriers to ship purebred Maine coon kittens for sale. Delivery is available to your nearest airport with their facility. We book flight and give you all needed information and tracking number to pick your kitten up. You have to show your ID and AWB number at the airlines facility or your home.Air Delivery By a Pet Nanny Air pet transport by a pet Nanny is the best way to fly your loved one. Your pet will fly with an experienced and trusted nannies to any destination in the USA and Canada. This is by far the best way to fly any pet under 40 pounds. Pet transport can often be a stressful experience. When most people fly their pet they put them in the cargo hold of an airplane which could kill them Rather than putting their life at risk you should utilize our air pet transport by Nanny Contact us for the cost.



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