Long Gated Driveway Bellflower Home on Flora Vista Charming Stre

9247 Flora Vista Street Bellflower CA 90706 Welcome to Flora Vista a charming street in the City of Bellflower. A long gated driveway and covered porch greet you as you enter an airy living room with a large picture window with sunlight streaming in that flood the room with natural light. The kitchen has been completely redone with butcher block counters custom white cabinetry and stainless appliances. Off the kitchen is a service area with a built-in desk and cabinets stackable laundry units and a door leading out to the driveway and patio area. The main bath has been remodeled with a vanity sink and a shower tub combination. Of the two bedrooms the primary bedroom is very private and spacious as it offers two sitting areas a private ensuite bath with a vanity sink and a glass-enclosed step-in shower. A sliding glass door also offers access to the patio a two-car garage and a brick path leading back to a rustic area with tons of potential for future building and a bathroom great for garden clean-up. This lot is huge at 12 515 sqft. This home has forced AC & heat fresh paint and new flooring. Nearby is Flora Vista Dog Park and it is commuter friendly via numerous freeways. Call me if your client would be interested in also purchasing the lot next door. Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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