BD-4A Mini Excavator

BDI Equipment is devoted to research design and manufacture of various industrial equipment such as excavator mini excavator mini crawler excavator. Our equipment is widely used for sand and aggregates processing and ore crushing in industries of mining quarry construction transportation hydro-power energy demolition metallic recycling etc. BDI Equipment integrates with research and development production and sales. After thousand of experiments and tests with rich design knowledge and experience superb technology high standard of quality assurance our clients can sit back and have peace of mind with the equipment we supplied. Scientific designed production process one-stop manufacture and outstanding logistics system help you maximize the profit with the minimal cost. BD--4A MINI EXCAVATOR Machine weight 1840kgStandard bucket 0.045cbm width 380mmOverall width 990mm-1240mmMax. digging depth 2150mmMax. Digging height 3275mmEngine Japanese Kubota D902 3 cylinders water-cooling 11.8kw 2300RPMFeatures Side swing Telescopic chassisEPA certified in Kubota engineHigh customers satisfactionEasy repair and maintenanceNew design appearanceStrong and wide working range capacityA comfortable seat to provide a good operating experienceCompatible with a wide range of attachments parts and accessories



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