3.53 Acre Lot in Waterfront Community-Directly on Creek-New Bern

Easy living awaits you on this stunning gem in Pamlico County North Carolina. This property is nestled in a prime location in Mariner s Landing Subdivision just around 18 minutes of drive away from downtown New Bern. Property located in Cul de Sac with community boating access area. Part of the property to the west has the Upper Broad Creek frontage.New Bern is a waterfront destination filled with opportunities to get outside and enjoy a variety of activities. Go for a hike in the Croatan National Forest or take in a round of golf. If you love being out in the city you can visit downtown New Bern-filled with a distinctly rich history that s evident the moment you walk down its streets. Enjoy quaint restaurants and cafes art galleries antique stores and more. Discover a magnificent palace museums vast architecture and breathtaking gardens.What are you waiting for Call us now to learn more about this offer County Assessed Value 59 534-BUY TODAY AT 57 000.Property Details-Parcel Number C05-7-9Short Legal Description Lot 9 Mariners LandingAnnual Property Taxes 420.97HOA Fees 600Road Access Yes PavedCommunity Water and Boat AccessElectricity Within 1 4 of a mileZoning UnzonedTerrain Flat WoodedCall Text or Email Ligula Land Ventures LLC and ask for funding options-- (865) 378-6955--Ligulaland.vent1(at)gmail.comDiscla imer-Buyer is responsible for their own due diligence verifying with County HOA.



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