Concept y group

Retail store display, Bespoke Props, Visual Merchandising PLV, Shop fittings supplier-Y Concept Group Concept Y Group Retail Terminal Visual Design Experts Tagline: Every perfect classic case is one new innovation start up Professional image planning for brands Concept Y Group is a Pan-Asian retail visual display agency that provides brand-wide solutions. Its headquarter is located in Singapore, who is committed to providing professional image planning for brands. Our group s business involves: overall brand image planning, store display planning, shop counters, boutique decoration, window display, POSM exhibition, Roadshow, Podium and various events. Our group s services range from original creative design, prototype, production, on-site installation and global delivery, is able to provide clients with complete one-stop supporting services. We have a fixed and long-term production factory in China, and a number of supporting customer service teams in the Asia-Pacific region to tailor visual merchandising solutions in line with the local market for customers. Interaction Communication Provide 1 vs 1 customer service, one team is built to follow up the order, from preliminary communication, designing, production, delivery and after service. Our production process is visualization, sharing whole process via online work station. Innovation Design Having plentiful acknowledge of retail and advertising field, and combining the market?s trends and client?s requirements, creative designers provide appropriate design solutions to props, help to boost the products?sales Inerrancy Production Insist in fabricating the high-quality stands for the markets. More than 20 years professional manufacturing experience, keep trying research and development of new sustainable material for Eco-design. Website: Tel : 0086 021 55882089 Mob : 0086 181 1530 2912 QQ: 3001069643 Email : [email protected] Add: Building B?No.172 Gaoyi Road, Baoshan district, Shanghai 201900



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