Clinical Assessor

Maximus is seeking a Clinical Assessor to conduct face to face biopsychosocial assessments to determine Functional Capacity Outcome (FCO). The selected candidate will be required to work onsite in the Jamaica NY officeGather and review supporting documentation in preparation of assessment Complete clinical assessment and re-assessments within required turnaround times Collect data define problems establish facts and draw valid conclusions for supporting a superior written rationale for review determination Attend and participate in scheduled contract committee and all-staff meetings Use independent clinical judgment to make defensible assessment decisions Collaborates with client on program needs to achieve desired outcomes Perform all job duties in compliance with Person First standards HIPAA guidelines and company confidentiality policies and procedures Communicates routine information in a clear and accurate way with internal & external contacts Responsible for completing timely and quality assessments per working day Perform other duties as may be assigned by management Education Requirements Master s degree in Health Human Services Sociology Psychology or related field Current and appropriate license(s) in the State of New York and be a Qualified Health Professional with one of the following licenses Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) Licensed Occupational Therapist (OT L) Registered Nurse (RN) Another credentialed professional as approved by HRA Requirements Minimum of 2 years experience working with persons with a variety of physical and behavioral health needs At least one (1) year clinical experience working knowledge of community support programs experience level is dictated by client contract Working knowledge of the SSA Sequential Evaluation process Valid driver s license and reliable transportation is required. The incumbent is responsible for submitting updated copies of driver s license and vehicle insurance information as needed Ability to perform all job duties in compliance with Person First standards HIPAA guidelines and company policies Working knowledge and understanding of behavioral health diagnoses psychotropic medications medical diagnoses and prescribed medications Excellent knowledge of diverse cultures and issues with the ability to incorporate special needs into utilization review decisions Ability to multitask while effectively performing job duties which include prioritizing tasks ensure all voice mail and email messages are monitored and responded to within 24 hours of receipt or as required by client contract Ability to interact professionally and collegially with providers (hospital & nursing facility physicians community service workers etc.) state contract officers and coworkers while seeking or providing information Excellent computer skills with experience in word processing email and spreadsheets (Microsoft Word Outlook and Excel preferred)



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