Regional Case Manager- SMHRF Assessments

Maximus is currently hiring for a Regional Case Manager. The Case Manager reviews assessments and clinical operations for completeness accuracy and adherence to contract clinical standards. Based on contract you may be required to complete reports recommendations or eligibility determinations based on contract clinical standards. Completes desk based contract assessments as assigned.This position is located in Cook County IL and requires up to 95% local travel. Work schedule will be Monday- Friday Minimum Qualifications Must be located in Cook County IL or immediate surrounding counties Minimum education of Master s degree in mental health social work nursing human services or related field required Experience with SMHRF (Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Facilities) Assessments preferred Minimum of two (2) years of mental health experience required Able to travel up 95% of the time to hospitals clinics etc. Strong proficiency with MS Office (Outlook Word PowerPoint Excel) Home Office Requirements Maximus provides company-issued computer equipment. Reliable high-speed internet service with minimum 25 Mbps download speed and 5 Mbps upload speed (you can test this by going to



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