Gurtler Industries Inc. South Holland

South Holland Area Company is seeking Electro-Mechanical Assembly Technicians. The Electro-Mechanical Assembly Technicians duties include assembly test and calibration to meet or exceed our quality standards. REQUIREMENTSHigh School Diploma or GED required Electro-mechanical assembly technician experience OR a 2-year relevant technical degree or equivalent preferred. Experience using the following custom gages & fixtures hand torque tools and precision measuring equipment. Mechanical & Electrical knowledge Experience with precision assembly with small parts Strong mechanical aptitude Good communication skills (written & verbal) Good troubleshooting skills Must be able to work 1st Shift 6AM - 2 30PM and occasional OT. Only U.S. Citizens or persons.Gurtler Industries Inc.15475 La Salle St South Holland IL 60473text only 6304742094



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