Case Manager- Marriage and Family Therapist (Remote- Montana)

Maximus is currently hiring a remote Case Manager Marriage & Family Therapist to help support the Montana Recovery Program. This position is remote within the state of Montana. Essential Duties and Responsibilities Manage participants through their period of participation in the Diversion Program by monitoring overall program compliance oversight of recovery activities recommendations for treatment and liaison with the Board Serve as liaison for assigned Board Committee and their designee Program Manager Case Consultant Respond to incoming calls on the toll-free line as needed and after-hour weekend and holiday calls on a rotating basis with other Program staff. Prepare applicant Monitoring Agreements and ensure delivery of all applicant contract transition materials and the like Conduct remote telephonic or video assessment and reassessments of health professional licensees to evaluate their overall compliance with program requirements and progress in recovery Evaluate incoming information submitted by treatment providers facilities participants and labs to monitor participant s progress and compliance with the Recovery Monitoring Agreement Contact the participant the appropriate Board Committee (or their designee) or treatment providers facilities and labs in response to participant non-compliance with the Monitoring Agreement Meet with participant telephonically or by video platform monthly to review compliance and progress in recovery Ensure time requirements are met in regard to all Program policies procedures and contract performance standards Compile produce review and ensure timely distribution of the reports prior to submission to Program Managers Review Monthly Compliance Non-Compliance reports and letters as well as other reports and correspondence as required Produce other reports and letters as requested including the Letter of Successful Completion Attend and present clinical case input at review committee meetings Attend and present at other meetings as required including educational presentations and conferences Engage in quality assurance monitoring and evaluation for the Program as necessary Minimum Requirements Bachelors preferred Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in the state of Montana 3 - 5 years of experience in psych or substance use settings and or case management setting Home Office Requirements Reliable high-speed internet service Minimum 20 Mpbs download speeds 50 Mpbs for shared internet connectivity Minimum 5 Mpbs upload speeds



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