Restaurant Manager (NOC 60030)

Shaun Ventures Ltd. DBA Dairy Queen is seeking an energetic highly motivated professional to join their team.Employer Name Shaun Ventures Ltd. DBA Dairy Queen.Job Title Restaurant Manager (NOC 60030)Job type Full time and PermanentBusiness address 1085 Lougheed Hwy Coquitlam BC V3K 6N5 CanadaSalary 28.00 Hour for 40 hours a weekOvertime as per BC labor lawsMinimum Education Completion of College Diploma or DegreePositions Available 1Job Location CoquitlamRequirementsCompletion of a college degree or diploma Program related to hospitality or food and beverage service management is an asset 2-3 years of experience as a Supervisor in food service industry Effective time management and multi-tasking skills working with others problem-solving and decision-making skills Excellent written and verbal English communication skills Ability to work on all shifts (evening & weekend) ResponsibilitiesPlan organize and evaluate the operations of the restaurant Set and coordinate overall staff schedules Address customers complaints or concerns Ensure health & safety regulations are followed Maintain inventory and monitor revenues Oversee kitchen and restaurant daily operations Conduct staff meetings to solve issues and monitor staff performance thereby increasing overall productivity Recruit train and supervise staff Selected applicants will be contacted for interviews.How to Apply Interested candidates please send your resumes.Email dqshaun2000(at)



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