Registered Nurse (Hybrid Remote in Bronx NY)

Maximus is currently hiring hybrid remote Registered Nurse (RN) UAS-Assessors to support the Conflict-Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center (CFEEC). The CFEEC serves the State of New York by conducting UAS assessments to determine eligibility for community-based long-term services. The Nurse will bring robust qualifications and a strong desire to contribute their knowledge and expertise to a meaningful program. This position is the front line ensuring consistent and accurate assessment are completed in a telehealth or in-home setting. What you will receive Salary ranges from 95 000 - 100 000 based on experience Competitive health benefits and 401k Flexible scheduling options The opportunity to work from home in a telehealth capacity or at in-home settings as necessary Satisfaction in being able to assist New York residents with receiving a better quality of living through the NYIA program Primary Responsibilities Perform remote telehealth and in-home evaluations of individuals seeking long term care services and supports. Evaluations include a determination of health status strengths and care needs. Review consumer medical documentation and or health referral forms as relevant to the case Enter evaluation data into electronic evaluation form and transmit as required Document any concerns conflicting information other issues that surface during the evaluation process Emphasize continuity of care thus reducing or eliminating fragmentation duplication and gaps in treatment plan Discuss with consumer on health care options supports needed service vendor options and waiver options Initiate communication between the Call Center and eligible consumers for enrollment into a managed care health plan Enhance communication and collaborative relationships with interdisciplinary care team members to improve care coordination and facilitate service delivery Collect quality review data and any required documentation to support outcome measurements and record case notes into CRM Identify opportunities for health promotion and illness prevention Maintain a comprehensive working knowledge of community resources payor requirements and network services for target population Meets all standards established for this position as outlined in the corresponding annual performance criteria and bonus template for this position. Performs other duties as may be assigned by the Regional Nurse Manager or other project management. Minimum Requirements RN license in the state of New York 2 years experience working in-home setting within the last 10 years Home Office Requirements Maximus provides company-issued computer equipment Reliable high-speed internet service with 100 Mbps download speed (you can test this by going to About the Conflict-Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center (CFEEC)The Conflict-Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center (CFEEC) serves the State of New York by conducting a UAS assessment to determine eligibility for community-based long-term services. The outcome of the assessment informs whether the individual qualifies for in-home services. We are rapidly expanding and have numerous exciting opportunities across the state



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