This position is available for full-time employment with the YUMYUM BBQ at Airdrie location. YUMYUM BBQ o a 2289807 Alberta Ltd. is one of the famous restaurants in the Airdrie. We serve the YUMMY fried chicken Korean BBQ meals and burgers to our beautiful people in the town. Customers satisfaction is our priority (Look at the 4.5 stars on the google review) We are looking for passionate full time Cooks. If you want to be part of our family member do not miss this opportunity. This position is available for full-time employment with the YUMYUM BBQ at Airdrie location and we are looking for 3 cooks. Job Description Prepares items for broiling grilling frying sauteing by portioning battering breading seasoning and or marinating. Stocks and maintains sufficient levels of food products at line stations to always ensure smooth operation. Actively share ideas opinions and suggestion for the development of the new menus quality. Monitors product freshness and rotate out old product properly. Ensures kitchen all food preparation areas and food storage areas comply with clean and sanitary standards. Follows proper plate presentation and garnish set up for all dishes. Wage 17.00 hr This position is Full-time permanent position. (32 to 40 hours week) Requirement -High school graduation required. - 7months to less than 1year work experience required as a line cook or cook. - Able to handle raw meat and chicken. - Able to communicate in English. - Kitchen or Food service field management skill preferred but not a mandatory. How to applyPlease send your resume and cover letter to yumyumhiring(at)gmail.comPlease include the location and position you re applying to in the subject line.Only accept candidates who can work in Canada legally.



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