Moreno Contractors LTD. is looking for Carpenters

Moreno Contractors LTD. is looking for CarpentersJob Description Job Title CarpenterEmployer 1267733 Moreno Contractors Ltd.Business Address 13416 112 Ave Surrey BC V3R2E8Work Location Various locations depending on projects within Lower Mainland BC.Terms of employment Permanent Full-timeSalary 30 hourStart Date ASAPNumber of Opening 10Working hours 30 40hrs weekBenefit 10 days paid vacation per year or 4% of gross salaryLanguage of Work English Job Duties - Check formwork granular base and steel reinforcement materials and direct placement of concrete into forms or onto surfaces according to grade- Operate necessary tools and equipment to compact concrete- Repair resurface and replace worn or damaged section of cement structures- Level top surface cement according to grade and depth specification- Apply hardening and sealing components to cure surfaces- Impart desired finish to concrete surfaces using hand and power toolsJob Requirements-Experience Minimum 3 years of related experience OR completion of a two to four year apprenticeship program is required.-Language Functional English language is required for this position.-Education Completion of high school-Ability to work with others in a team environment.How to applyE-mail morenocontractorshr(at) We appreciate the interest of all candidates however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



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