All Terrain Folding Wagon

Portal All Terrain Wagon with 8 wheels and adjustable handle is all we need to ease the challenge of carrying bags full of groceries from the parking lot to the elevator and that one last mile to our door front Beach Cart For SandBeach wagon with big wheels for sand the all-terrain wheels with TPR tread in the middle can easily traverse sand cement rubber mats and landings without any trouble. Designed with 360 rotating front wheels that make pushing and pulling of folding wagon easy and convenient.Easy To Clean Off SandThe utility cart wagon is made of 600D Oxford fabric. With the bottom mesh design The wagon cart can be washed directly with water. The portable wagon has 2 cup holders next to the handle ensuring that all your drinks and objects are within easy reach.Upright Telescoping HandleThe pole can be extended from 26 inches to 32.5 inches and be adjusted 90 degrees back and forth The utility wagon is life helper go to for laundry grocery park beach which can save so much time and energy in transporting groceries.Heavy Duty Utility WagonsA sturdy powder coated steel frame construction built a large capacity space holds up to 225 pounds. Folding wagons help carry all of your garden tools when you are gardening or groceries when you are shopping.Unfolds In A SecondQuick and easy set up in seconds by pushing the bottom. Folded dimensions 15 L x 8.9 W x 29.1 H. it s very convenient and take less room when folded.



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