Glass tube rotameter manufacturer supplier | in gujarat, india

Fidicon Devices India Manufacturer Supplier Of Glass Tube Rotameter In Gujarat, India One type of variable area flow metre is the glass tube rotameter. A tapered tube, usually made of glass, and a float made of SS or PTFE make up a rotameter. Over the annular area, the differential pressure is constant. In accordance with the flow of fluid, the float goes up and down through the tapered tube. You may measure liquid or gas flow at pressures and temperatures that are higher than what is acceptable for plastic by using dependable glass tube rotameters (variable area flow metres) from Fidicon Devives Instruments. Given their greater range of available flow rates, glass tube rotameters are appropriate for a variety of liquids and gases. By using borosilicate glass tube bodies, which can sustain pressures of up to 13.8 bar, it is possible to create materials that are resistant to heat shock, pressure, and oxidation (200 psi). Additionally, corrosion-resistant material choices for valves, fittings, floats, and scales support a range of applications, whether in the lab or in industrial processes. Email : [email protected] Phone : + 91-98244 86716



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