Ice cream parlor franchise very well located in Montreal

Ice cream parlor for sale Montreal Cote-des-Neiges OPPORTUNITY TO SEIZE Le Bilboquet -- Franchise located in prime location in the Glen Hospital Open for several years Charming turnkey well located this business has everything to succeed also selling F lix and Norton cookies This business offers the opportunity to adapt a concept for the other months of the year and also the sale of complementary products. Come and see you will be amazed 99 900 tx.For more information please leave your contact details or call Jean-Philippe Vachon Real estate broker Immobilier Himalaya Real Estate Corp. 514-641-6479Cr merie vendre Montr al C te-des-Neiges OPPORTUNIT SAISIR Le Bilboquet Franchise dans un emplacement de choix soit l h pital Glen Ouvert depuis plusieurs ann es Charmant cl en main bien situ ce commerce a tout pour r ussir vendant aussi des biscuits F lix et Norton Ce commerce offre l opportunit d y adapter un concept pour les autres mois de l ann e et aussi la vente de produits compl mentaires. Venez voir vous serez conquis 99 900 tx.Pour plus d information veuillez laisser vos coordonn es ou joindre Jean-Philippe Vachon Courtier immobilier Immobilier Himalaya Real Estate Corp. 514-641-6479



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