VXT Manpower © &ndash Your Manpower Solutions

Dear Sir Madam We are pleased to introduce our organization as one of the Leading Manpower Supplier from Viet Nam. We have long standing experience in this line and by virtue of our reputation we have supplied a large number of skilled and unskilled workers to different companies in Middle East countries like UAE Saudi Arabia Bahrain Qatar Oman and in European Countries like Romania Poland Hungary Latvia Slovakia Czech Republic etc for a long time. We can able to fulfill your all kinds of requirements whatever you need in your production assignment maintenance factory premises and office cleaning. We are able to be faithful to your requirements within a short notice whatever you need. Most of our workers are well known with the following categories Construction Industry Heavy Equipment Operator Engineering Manufacturing industry Mechanical Electrical and Electronics Rubber Plastic & Chemical Information Technology (IT) Hotel and Restaurant Services Childcare and Home Support Workers Hospitals and Healthcare The agriculture.We are very interested to work with your esteemed company presently if any supplier works with you but we desire to have a quota just to prove our business dealings and business policy. We expect you not to hesitate to contact through our phone or email. We are ready to reach to you very shortly. I request you to reach me for further discussion at Mobile Whatssap 84 985.02.9966Email vxtmanpower(at)gmail.comSkype mr.tadonWebsite www.vietnamlabour.com Thanking you and eagerly awaiting for your business cooperation. Best Regards and Wishes Mr. Ta Don



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