Plastic surgeon in delhi | cosmetic surgeon in delhi

Dr. Sachin Rajpal is Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon who has achieved the highest qualification in the field of Plastic surgery. He did his MBBS & MS surgery degrees from the reputed medical colleges of India following which he completed his super specialization degree (MCh) Plastic surgery from Safdarjung Hospital, which is one of the leading institute in India. Dr. Rajpal is a young, dynamic & enthusiastic plastic surgeon with a humble nature and exhibits great dedication and commitment in his work with an overall experience of over 13 years in surgical specialty. Though the doctor is well versed in Plastic & Reconstructive procedures, he has special focus in field of cosmetic surgery. He has been associated as a Consultant Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive surgeon in various branches of MAX hospital in Delhi for last 5 years. During his tenure he has bagged many awards from hospital for his enthusiastic work and his lovely nature. He believes that the knowledge and the skills acquired during his extensive surgical training could be used in the path of serving aesthetic needs of his patients to fulfill their desires and to boost their confidence. Dr. Rajpal is an active member of many professional organizations like Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (IAAPS), International society of Aesthetic Plastic surgery (ISAPS), Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), National academy of burns India (NABI) through which he remains abreast of all the latest advances and techniques in field of cosmetic surgery. Dr. Sachin Rajpal is the best cosmetic and plastic surgeon in Delhi, India. We are offering Gynecomastia Surgery, Hair Transplant Surgery, Liposuction Surgery, Abdominoplasty, Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Scar Removal Treatment, and Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi at an affordable cost.



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