We are currently seeking an experienced Person who s willing to shop in hidden identity to maximize sales opportunities with our existing and new client accounts. This position reports to Personal Supervisor. We are looking for an individual who is skilled at working a prospect list and getting meetings. If you have the experience and the fire we d like to talk to you. This position will include understanding our solutions in order to identify client needs understanding what constitutes a qualified marketing lead and persistent follow-up and follow-through via phone email and our online order systems. Job duties include prospecting qualifying and setting up meetings for sales. Other requirements include completing ongoing training and meeting all Marketing Quotas. The Successful Candidate must be Professional and articulate Interpersonally adept Technically proficient A relationship builder A problem solver Benefits include paid vacation holidays personal & sick time and training reimbursement. Our generous compensation plans are structured as base salary plus commissions and bonuses for meeting and exceeding sales goals compliance and customer service requirements with initial compensation commensurate with relevant experience.



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