Indian green raisins

Get the export quality green raisins from Bhandari Agro. With a wide range of raisins you also get good quality green raisins from us. We at Bhandari Agro Processing Industries are leading Suppliers / Exporters of high quality raisins from India. We have state of the art facility situated in the heart of raisins producing area i.e. Nasik in the state of Maharashtra known as the largest grapes producing area of India.The company has been flourishing, since its inception in the year 1996. The honourable CEO, Mr. Shitalkumar M. Bhandari has always guided the company and lead to the path of success. Under his guidance, we have carved a niche as one of the most reliable exporters of Raisins.Our state-of-the-art infrastructure is equipped with the most technologically advanced tools and machinery that have enabled us to deliver the Raisins that are of high freshness. We have a very well organized fully Atomized Raisin Washing and Packing Line along with advanced Sorting technology . We have cold storage facilities for Grape Export, Having Capacity of 6000 Metric Ton that assures the delivery of Raisins, natural grapes and pomegranate.



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