AKC Shih Tzu Puppies Females Blue

Small Standard ShihTzu Puppies Calls ONLY No Emails Or Texts Local Arizona Pick Up No Airports Wittmann Arizona 85361 520-222-5842 Five Two Zero Two Two Two Five Eight Four Two Dob O1 26 2023 Ready By March 23 1500.00 AKC Registration Will Not Hold a Puppy Without a Deposit Will Be On AKC Market Place Soon Two Females One White With Blue Lilly Blue Nose and Paw Pads One White With Chocolate Daisy Chocolate Nose and Paw Pads Puppies Will Come With Dew Claws Removed AKC RegistrationVaccinations Dwormed Free 30 Day Health Insurance AKC Parents Mother Wu Lavender 8 lbs Her Father Was 3.5 lbs Ming Li Father Lemmi White With Creme 5 lbs



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