Clear plastic bag in sandton

A plastic bag, poly bag, or pouch is a type of container made of thin, flexible, plastic film, nonwoven fabric, or plastic textile. Plastic bags are used for containing and transporting goods such as foods, produce, powders, ice, magazines, chemicals, and waste. It is a common form of packaging. Plastic bags are bags made of polyethylene and are a substitute for paper bags and find applications in several industries including agriculture, apparel, bakery, dry cleaning, hardware, electronics, fish food, hosiery, hotels, house wares, shipping, manufacturing, medical, pet food, poultry, retail, footwear, and trade shows. They are also used for several household applications. In short, there is practically no industry that does not use plastic bags in one form or the other. Even though plastic bags are currently available in a variety of colors, the most popular are still the transparent, semi-transparent, or the white colored plastic bags. Clear plastic bags allow the logo to be more distinct and are preferred by most shopkeepers. Plastic Tubing Wholesaler in Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa Jason Dolowitz Consort Plastics 2.0 Pty Ltd 8 Rautenbach Avenue, Wynberg, Johannesburg, 2090 Tel: 0118730560 [email protected]



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