Zhuzhou mingri cemented carbide co, ltd

Zhuzhou Mingri Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd. Professional Supplier of Cemented Carbide Located in Liyu Industrisl Area, Zhuzhou City, Tianyuan District, Hunan Province, Zhuzhou Mingri Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd was established in May of 2001 with the investment of RMB 40 million. We own up-to-date production line, advanced equipment, lots of technicians. We have passed ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9001:14001. And we have been always trying our best to provide our customers with high quality , best price and satisfactory services. We specialize in series of tungsten carbide products, such ascold forging die cores, brazed tips, disc cutters, plates and boards, saw tips, round rods, rock drilling bits and buttons, milling tools, geological exploration drill tools and so on. Our production are exported to UK, European, Japan, Taiwan and South-east Asia etc. You re welcome to have a visit to our factory! ? Address?No. 88, Mingri Road, Liyu Industrial Area, Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou City 412007, Hunan Province.P.R.C. ? [email protected] ? Tel?+ 86-731-22778509 ? Website?hnmingri.webdemodesign.site https://www.zhuzhoumingri.com/ ? Mobile?+ 86-17336697295



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