Dheemahi ayurveda online consultation

Our Story & How We Got Here Founded by Ancestors, The beginning- The medical tradition started from our Family school for Ayurveda where Traditional physicians .whose expertise spans 500 years of Ayurvedic heritage, formulations, and knowledge have been passed down from generation to generation through dedicated practice. Our team of professionals designs the ayurvedic treatment plan according to your specific needs, and our Ayurvedic Treatment Centres not only look after wellness but also help you to select the right customized treatment plans as per your preference. Our team of doctors possess immense knowledge, and they also belong to a family that has been in this field for 5 generations who can guide you perfectly. MISSION 500 years of our knowledge will uphold the authentic principle of Ayurveda in order to propagate health and well-being worldwide. Integrate Yoga, Ayurveda diet, and meditation into the lifestyle of humankind. VISION To be recognized around the globe as the essence of true Ayurveda. Develop new Ayurvedic products based on Ayurvedic principle and conduct research and clinical trials VALUES Treatment with authentic Ayurveda and panchakarma Having keen distant vision and up close focus. Treating and guiding patients honestly Experience Ayurveda Medicines and therapies at your home under the Guidance of our Expert Doctors Dheemahi Ayurveda integrates traditional Ayurveda knowledge with modern techniques to reach you and help to achieve the benefits of Authentic Ayurveda. Our system evolved over five generations. Our team of professionals helps you to achieve a state of complete health and vitality. We assess your daily routines, food, and lifestyle and fine-tune your life. We are promising you 100% result-oriented and personalized online consultation for each patient with the comfort from the home and help them to achieve the well-being of the mind and body.



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