Square bolts, thread rods, split pins, solid rivets, hex nuts, w

We are a professional manufacturer and exporter of all kinds of fasteners and other hardwares.We have rich experiences with 15 years on Fasteners.Our former factory is Ningbo Yinzhou Huayi Fastener Manufacture co., ltd, which specialized in manufacturing all kinds of fasteners, Standard and Non- standard, such as Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Washers, Thread Rods, Pins, Rivets, Anchors ect and these are widely used in Construction, Automobile, shipping, railway, electric power equipment , etc Our products are in conformity with DIN, ANSI/ASTM, ISO, AS, BS, JIS, EN . In order to Bright our business area and enlarge our products and have the best sales serve to establish mutual benefit cooperation relations with the fastener customers all of the world, we established a new company named Ningbo Brightfast Machinery Industry Trade Co., Ltd . Our company staff have very rich knowledges and experiences in the field of fasteners and Others hardwares. We have won a good reputation among customers with good quality, competitive prices and advanced techniques since our establishment.Till now, our products extending to Industrial, Mechanical and Construction area and all kinds of investment casting, Sand casting, die casting, as well as forging and precision machining We hope to have your attention on our proposal cooperation. We have rich experience and technology power, strict quality management, Our aim is to provide you our best products, most competitive price, and best servce to all over the world. Let s have a good start.



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