Manufacturer of nutrition tubes, needles, disinfectant machines,

GuangDong Weisdin Science and Technology Co.Ltd is a professional manufacturer specializing in the production of gastrointestinal nutrition tube, arterial indwelling needle, ultrasound developing anesthesia puncture needle, fixator, negative pressure drainage device, plasma air disinfectant machine, COVID-19 sampling tube and Personal Protective Equipment. The products are mainly used in ICU, gastrointestinal surgery, anesthesiology and other departments. Guangdong WEISDIN has established a good scientific and technological innovation cooperation relationship with China s key university Sun Yat-sen University and its affiliated hospitals. All products have independent innovation intellectual property rights. At present, it has applied for a number of invention patents and nearly 20 utility model patents. The company adheres to the road of independent and innovation, and strives to become the innovation leader of medical consumables in the world. Room 309, 3th Zhenhua Road, Dashi Street, Dashi Town, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 0086 13632282805 [email protected]



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