Turnkey Delight in the Heart of Lakewood A Must-See Home849900

4607 Monogram Avenue Lakewood CA 90713 Welcome to this Turn Key home in the Carson Park area of Lakewood. A long-gated driveway and leaded glass door greet you as you enter the spacious living room with a large bay window that floods the space with natural light while showcasing the beautiful hardwood flooring extending throughout. The adjacent dining area has a long counter and pass-through with overhead cabinets with etched glass doors. You will love cooking in the remodeled kitchen with custom wood cabinetry oodles of counter space a corner window sink and a laundry area. Off the kitchen is a family room with an open beam ceiling and a corner raised brick fireplace a sliding glass door takes you out to a large patio and grassy yard. Of the three bedrooms the primary suite is off the family room in the rear of the home and a private ensuite bath has a dual sink vanity and a glass-enclosed shower. The other two bedrooms are accessed from the hall off the living room and share a remodeled bathroom also with a dual sink vanity and a shower tub combination. Amenities include forced AC and Heat and newer windows. Nearby are the San Gabriel River Nature Trail Heartwell Golf Course Park and the Long Beach Towne Center for shopping and dining. The schools for this area are Cleveland Elementary K-5 Bancroft Middle 6-8 and Lakewood High 9-12. Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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