Top shop for gifts. Buyers bought gifts from this shop and gave them 5-star reviews BUY 3 OR MORE ITEMS AND GET 30% OFF YOUR ORDER Hey beautiful Please note that our products sizing is DIFFERENT from other brands. Kindly check the SIZE CHART provided on each of the product before ordering. Please be a responsible buyer and DO NOT order according to your usual size. We painstakingly measure our products and made size chart for each to help you determine which size works for you. Please please please refer to the size chart as they are accurate. 1. RETURN POLICY - The item(s) must be in original condition with the original packaging and all tags attached. Any garments that appear to have been worn washed or altered in any way will be refused. Please take care when trying on garments as we cannot accept garments that have incurred any makeup stains or that smell of perfume. You can request for refund 14 days from time of receipt. BUYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURN POSTAGE COSTS. If the item is not returned in its original condition the buyer is responsible for any loss in value. 2. If you purchased multiple items from our shop we cannot guarantee them to be shipped as one package. We do apologize in advance. For logistical reason same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages even if you ve specified combine shipping. Thank you for your understanding 3.IMPORTANT SHIPPING INFO Please understand that when we hand over your item to courier we have no or little control after that. Shipment delays can be caused by many factors like high volume shipment customs problem courier service failure etc. We cannot guarantee and will not promise shipping dates delivery. Estimated delivery date is 10-16 days. That is just our conservative estimate because we also ship international. Estimated delivery can be longer for countries in Latin America Africa Eastern Europe and remote Canadian areas. Once item is shipped we cannot change shipping information anymore. It is your responsibility to provide correct shipping address. Shipping failure due to wrong address is not eligible for refund and failure to accept delivery is also not eligible for refund.CHECK OUT HERE



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