
The 2022 GSX250R ABS is a fully faired street machine that brings the excitement and riding satisfaction of Suzuki s sportbike heritage to a broader audience. Built to introduce Suzuki fun and reliability to new riders this sportbike has smart performance engaging styling and comfort features that will appeal to a broad base of enthusiasts.This approachable street sportbike features a proven easy-to-service twin cylinder fuel-injected engine wrapped in stylish full-fairing bodywork. With responsive yet easy-to-control performance exceptional fuel efficiency nimble handling and a comfortable riding position the GSX250R ABS is equally at home on the daily commute as it is on extended outings.A low seat height slim fuel tank and overall light weight make the GSX250R ABS an exciting and unintimidating ride. Ten-spoke aluminum wheels anti-lock brakes (ABS) and tuned KYB suspension keep the bike nimble and responsive for city streets as well as open roads. With a four-gallon fuel tank and highly efficient powerplant that delivers a riding range of well over 250 miles the 2022 GSX250R ABS remains the most sensible quarter liter sportbike on the market.



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