LAST 2 SHEEPADOODLE GIRLS READY NOW text only (567) 200-8243 for more FROM EXTENSIVELY HEALTH TESTED PARENTS. Photos Don t Do These Girls justice We have had a litter of 10 Beautiful puppies. Only now 2 Stunning Girls left looking for their own forever families No expense spared bringing these into the world. These puppies are a fantastic example of F1b reverse Sheepadoodles (this means more OES)carefully bred we only breed for quality not quantity We pride ourselves breeding for excellent temperament s and healthy large breed family dogs. All our dogs are first & foremost our pets and a big part of our family with fabulous temperaments just beautiful inside and out. Mum is our beautiful Iris F1 Sheepadoodle Extensively health tested Hip and Elbow scored with ANKC HIPS 6 7 ELBOWS CLEAR BVA EYE tested all clear up & to date. Heath Tested through DNA for all genetic diseases All CLEAR Iris is a really special loyal & gentle family dog. Dad Dalton Who is a quality OES has sired other litters proving to be fabulous family dogs he is also First and Foremost a beautiful family dog. KC Reg Old English Sheepdog Hip scored with the BVA HIPS 6 7 BVA EYE TEST CLEAR BAER HEARING TEST Health tested for all genetic diseases through DNA ALL CLEAR Puppies will be wormed at 2 5 & 7 weeks old Weaned on fish4dogs. We only ever have 1 litter at time this enables us to give full attention and the best puppy enrichment possible. Our puppies have always been bought up in the hub of the house to get used to the site s and sounds of the household environment I also aim to have them nearly housetrained. All puppies have been . Wormed up to date Microchipped 1st Vaccinated Health Checked All of this will be certificated for proof this will be included along with full information folder about your puppy this will be included in your extensive puppy pack . Auntie s and half sister also here for you to meet. Visit us on our Facebook group Smaratta Sheepadoodles



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