
Hooper Welding Enterprises Ltd. is seeking Welders for 405 Eastport Blvd. Hamilton ON L8P 7S3 Canada. There are 5 positions available. Main duties are as follows but not limited to Read and interpret blueprints or welding process specifications Operate manual or semi-automatic welding equipment to fuse metal segments using processes such as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) gas metal arc welding (GMAW) flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) plasma arc welding (PAW) shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) resistance welding and submerged arc welding (SAW) Ability to weld various materials i.e. Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Alloys Chromoly Steel Operate manual or semi-automatic flame-cutting grinding equipment Operate metal shaping machines such as brakes shears and other metal straightening and bending machines Repair worn parts of metal products by welding on extra layers. Welders may specialize in certain types of welding such as custom fabrication ship building and repair aerospace precision welding pressure vessel welding pipeline construction welding structural construction welding or machinery and equipment repair welding. Operate previously set up welding machines such as spot butt and seam resistance or gas and arc welding machines to fabricate or repair metal parts Assist with the maintenance and repair of welding equipment May adjust welding heads and tooling according to work specifications. Hours of work are either day shift which is Monday -Thursday 7am 4pm and Friday 7am-1pm or night shift Monday Thursday 4pm 2am. Pay is 31.50 hour. No education is required successful candidates will speak English. Minimum work experience is 3 years hands on welding experience.Please send resumes via email to colin(at)hooperwelding.com



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