Buy Handmade Natural Pet Shampoo Bar (3.5Oz)

Flea and Tick prevention for dogs and cats - Pet Shampoo Bar (3.5Oz)-Natural Handmade Organic Vegan- Cat and Dog flea and tick control by Falls River Soap CompanyYour Pet s Best Friend - GENTLE & SAFE- All Natural Handmade Organic Vegan Cruelty-Free soothing Natural FLEA and TICK TREATMENT that WORKS - Flea and Tick Control - The Essential Oils added help the eternal battle against fleas ticks and any insect determined to take a ride ELIMINATES THE WORST ODORS FAST- Skunk spray roadkill poison oak ivy swimming in contaminated waters urine and litter box odor bacteria fish odors EASY TO USE BUBBLY LATHER IN SECONDS- Naturally moisturizing the mild soap with generous lather pampers your pet with tender loving care Excellent moisturizer and emollient it s antimicrobial properties - The Aloe Vera Butter in the bar has wonderful benefits for your pet s skin and fur



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