CKC F1BB goldendoodle

Thank you for your interest in our litter of CKC Standard F1bb Goldendoodles The total price is for males are 2 000 and females are 2 500 (Pet only home). A 500.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a puppy. The remaining balance will be due upon puppy pickup. Our puppies go to their forever homes with all of their vaccinations and worming up to the 8 week mark We will also send them with a goodie bag that comes with a sample of their food a blanket with their mama s scent and some other goodies We are projecting the puppies will be 40 to 45 lbs. You will pick your puppy in the order in which your deposit was placed in the gender you placed your deposit for. This will take place over video call or through the photos that we will have posted. Breeding rights can be purchased for additional fee to an approved breeder. If you have any additional questions please let us know



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