Instant Pot Vortex Plus 6-in-1 6-Quart Large Air Fryer Oven with

Instant Pot Vortex Plus 6-in-1 6-Quart Large Air Fryer Oven with Customizable Smart Cooking Programs Non-stick and Dishwasher-Safe Basket Includes Free App with over 1900 Recipes Stainless Steel About this item 6-IN-1 FUNCTIONALITY Air fry broil roast dehydrate bake and reheat EvenCrisp TECHNOLOGY Advanced technology that drives air flow top down for a perfect golden finish and crispy tender results every time ONE-TOUCH SMART PROGRAMS Customizable programs for one-touch wings roasted veggies garlicky potatoes cookies cinnamon buns and more FAST PREHEATING Little to no preheating time from frozen to golden in minutes Create gourmet meals with the versatility of a temperature range of 95 to 400 F. EASY CLEAN-UP Non-stick dishwasher safe air fry basket and tray. COMPACT DESIGN & STAINLESS-STEEL ACCENTS Perfectly combines function and style in a countertop-friendly size. DISCOVER AMAZING RECIPES Download our free Instant Pot app so you can create quick new favorites and prepare delicious meals available iOS and Android. PROVEN SAFETY FEATURES Built-in safety features like Overheat Protection auto-off and more to keep your mind at ease. A KITCHEN MUST HAVE Perfect for quick delicious meals preparing side dishes appetizers wings and more. Great addition to any kitchen perfect for 4-6 servingsGet it Now



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