Foreign rights - Johannes Vemeer

Bring the museum homeIt s the right moment to publish Vermeer book Hardcover bookISBN 9781646991464 33.95 Johannes Vemeer a 17th-century artist is recognised primarily for his genre scenes. Through meticulous precision in his paintings and drawings he achieves perfection and maximum impact. Unlike his predecessors Vermeer used a camera obscura to bring even more perspective to his art in the most delicate of manners. He revolutionised the way in which we use and make paint and his colour application techniques predate some of those used by the impressionists nearly two centuries later. Girl with a Pearl Earring remains to this day his greatest masterpiece. Click to watch the book-trailer Learn more about this book on our blog here OUR ART CATALOG If you are interested in learning more about Vermeer we would be pleased to discuss the opportunities with you. Please do not hesitate to contact us via Our blogs s Our website Amazon Store Facebook parkstoneinternational Instagram (at)parkstone_international Twitter (at)parkstonebooks Youtube (at)parkstone_international TikTok (at)parkstone_international Email info(at)



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