Kia 29-year-old all-star

AVG 0.111 can t erase the dazzling first half. . KIA 29-year-old All-Star, please pray for the second half ?(Lee) Woo-sung in other lines.? KIA coach Kim Jong-guk picked Choi Ji-min as the pitcher and Lee Woo-seong as the hitter as the players who improved the most in the first half of this season. Neither was expected to become a major force in the first team, but spent the first half of the reversal. Lee Woo-sung was also classified as an outfielder who competed for one or two spots in the outfield and went back and forth between starting and backing. Even now, Lee Woo-sung competes with Ko Jong-wook and Lee Chang-jin, and he has a status that sometimes he is not able to come out as a starting pitcher. However, at the end of the first half, the weight is vastly different from the pre-season expectations. Until Na Seong-beom, Kim Do-young, and Choi Won-jun joined, he was the main player who practically led the batting line together with Choi Hyung-woo. Lee Woo-sung graduated from Daejeon High School and joined Doosan in the 2nd round in 2013 in the 15th place, went through NC and wore a KIA uniform through a trade with Lee Myung-gi (Hanwha) during the 2019 season. It s already been 10 years as a professional, but let alone free agency, the most appearances in a season was 80 games in the 2022 season. This is the first time I ve heard of the term jujeon . It had good mobility for its size and stable catch ability. However, coach Kim Jong-kook noticed Lee Woo-sung s diligence from his coaching days. He thoroughly prepared for the game and did not forget the image of diligently fulfilling any task he was entrusted with. Manager Kim Jong-guk explains that he found his identity as a hitter while placing the theme of his hitting on accuracy. 55 hits in 190 at-bats in 65 games, batting average 0.289, 5 homers, 24 RBIs, 24 runs, OPS 0.760. He naturally increased his long hits with a soft swing mechanic. In the end, for the first time in his life, he made it to the All-Star Game. KIA coach Kim Jong-guk recommended Lee Woo-sung to Nanum All-Star Kiwoom coach Hong Won-ki. He deserves an All-Star. He is not selected for the best 12, so he cannot play as a starter, but he is expected to play one or two at-bats in the second half of the game. At this point, Lee Woo-sung s concern is the slump in July. He had a batting average of 0.292 with 1 home run and 4 RBIs in April, a batting average of 0.302 with 3 home runs and 5 RBIs in May, and a batting average of 0.318 with 1 home run and 15 RBIs in June. In the last 10 games of the first half, the batting average was 0.103 and 1 RBI. It is a slump that comes to everyone when playing a long-term race. It s the first time he s faced such difficulties after becoming a main member, so this is also a new task for Lee Woo-sung. If it does not collapse here and recovers in the second half, it can be interpreted as a complete increase in average. After Na Seong-beom returns, Lee Woo-seong s



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