i thought i was qualified park byung-ho s home run race

I thought I was qualified. . Park Byung-ho s home run race, why he s happy even if he misses the championship? Park Byeong-ho, who finished runner-up in the 2023 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO All-Star Home Run Race. kt wiz Park Byung-ho (37), a kt giant, unfortunately missed out on winning the home run race, but he put more meaning into participating. Park Byeong-ho drew a total of four arches in the 2023 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO All-Star Home Run Race held at Sajik Stadium in Busan on the 14th. He was pushed back by one to first place Chae Eun-seong (Hanwha), who shot 5, and came in 2nd place. Unfortunately, he missed the championship, but Park Byeong-ho was satisfied enough with the runner-up. He said, Actually, I thought I didn t deserve to participate in the home run race in terms of the first half performance, but I think second place is the best ever. It feels good to win the trophy after finishing runner-up. I gave generous applause to Chae Eun-seong, who won the championship. Park Byung-ho said, Congratulations. You showed the strength of a 30-year-old, and raised his thumb, saying, Hanwha is also doing very well as a central hitter. In the beginning, the feeling was good, such as consecutive home runs, but the ball did not go over the fence from the fourth. Park Byeong-ho scratched his head, saying, At first, I was looking forward to it because the pace was good, but it got harder and harder. I think I was very nervous. It was also because of the sudden rain and wind that harassed Park Byeong-ho. Park Byeong-ho laughed, saying, It s an excuse, but I think I lost my concentration from then on, and smiled, saying, I was a little disappointed at the end, but it was still fun. It was Lee Ji-young (Kiwoom), a former colleague, who threw the batting ball to Park Byung-ho. Park Byeong-ho said, I asked for help. I was breathing fine, and I asked because it was friendly and comfortable. It seems that he enjoyed participating in the home run race with young players after a long time. Park Byeong-ho said, It was meaningful to have a home run race with players such as Han Dong-hee (Lotte) and Noh Si-hwan (Hanwha). Then, he sent a message of support, saying, These young right-handed hitters have to grow bigger in the future, and they are doing very well now. Team kt finished the first half in a good mood by achieving a sweep in three consecutive matches with Kiwoom held on the 11th and 13th. However, Park Byeong-ho, who felt that his performance in the first half was disappointing, blamed himself, saying, Compared to last season, I don t think I have played my role as a central hitter properly. Park Byeong-ho won the home run title with 35 home runs last season, but this season he is showing a rather low pace with 7 home runs. That s the resolution to grit your teeth and prepare for the second half. Park Byeong-ho said, I think I will be able to prepare for the second half more c



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