Dr Rohits Smile Center Dental Clinic | Dentist in Kharghar

Dr. Rohit s Smile Center Dental Clinic is one of the top-rated Dental Clinics in Navi Mumbai. With personalized care for patients of all ages, Dr. Rohits gentle demeanor, expertise, and meticulous attention to detail create a very comfortable environment. Our Clinic is an Official Toothsi Partner Clinic, These alternatives provide invisible and comfortable solutions over traditional braces for designing your perfect smile. Dr. Rohit s qualifications include a BDS from SDMCDS Dharwad followed by a PG Dip Also Done in Dental Implantology from the German Board of Oral Implantology DGZI, as well as an MSc in Implantology and Dental Surgery from Germany. Better Care for your Teeth & Exceptional Dental Care Patients Can rely on Dr. Rohit.



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