Hiring a Bartender (Japanese Restaurant Full-Time)

Hiring a Bartender (Japanese Restaurant Full-Time) Nubo Sushi Roll & Roll at 754 Pandora Ave Victoria is looking for a Bartender. Salary 20.00 HourlyJob Type Full-Time 30hrs wk PermanentPosition Available 1Benefit 10 days paid vacation or 4% of gross salary Main duties Greets all customers obtains orders and prepares all alcoholic beverages in compliance with all local liquid broad requirements using established recipes. Prepares and stocks garnishes and mixes for use in the bar. Requisitions and receives all liquor and maintains par set for bar. Collects payment from customers in accordance with established cash handling procedures. Suggests and serves food and beverages to all customers. Cleans and organizes area. Assist or relieves serving personnel as needed. Performs cleaning and stocking duties as assigned. Requirements Completion of Secondary School English is required 2-year of experience in related field OR Completion of college or other program in bartending OR completion of courses in mixing drinks is required. Beverage service related certification is an asset. How to Apply Email nubohiring(at)hotmail.com Work Location Nubo Sushi Roll & Roll754 Pandora Ave Victoria BC V8W 3K1 Note Please respond with your resume attached those qualified will be contacted.



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