Find the Best Tiles in Uttarakhand: Aesthetic and Durable

Looking to adorn your spaces with exquisite tiles in Uttarakhand Look no further Orientbell Tiles Boutique offers a curated collection of the finest tiles that blend aesthetics with durability. Discover a wide array of designs, patterns, and colors, perfectly suited for residential and commercial settings. Visit our tile showroom showroom premium tile solutions cater to diverse preferences and budgets, ensuring a seamless shopping experience. Transform your interiors with the utmost elegance and long-lasting quality. Whether you seek contemporary chic or timeless classics, our expert team is ready to assist you in making the perfect choice. Elevate your spaces with Orientbell Tiles Boutique today. Name: Orientbell Tiles Boutique Address: Shareef Dargah, Sohalpur Road Kaliyar, Piran Kaliyar Rd, near Kaliyar, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667 Phone: 7039032207 Website: orientbell-tiles-boutique-new-limra-tiles-tile-shop-piran-kaliyar-roorkee-166164/ Home Google Map Location: maps/ vsJETe7GaAWmZxLS8



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