Completely Reconditioned John Deere 1200A Ball Field Rakes

Completely ReconditionedJohn Deere 1200A Bunker Rakes Ball Field Rakes Infield Groomer Nail Drags 9 500 each 60 day warranty. 713-724-9795Completely reconditioned starting with a bare frame.I personally build all of these machines one at a time and have them all over the country and Mexico. Completely rebuilt engine with new pistion rings beaarings seals carburetor and starter.Completely rebuilt transmissionRebuilt or new clutches. New seat new battery completely repainted with new decals. Each will be set up with the mid rake and rear rake depending on application golf course or baseball field.Additional attachments available.Front Blade 750optional rear rake 550Light Kit 350Rear Brush Attachment 350I sell these 1200A faster than I can get them in please contact me today so we can get you a machine in line.Call or text me today 713-724-9795 We Ship Anywhere Baseball Field Softball Field Girls Pitch High School Golf Course Landscapers Little Leagues Booster Club



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