GS Caltex, the team with the most KOVO Cup victories, advances t

GS Caltex, the team with the most KOVO Cup victories, advances to the finals in 2023 Gumi with Ace Kang So-hui GS Caltex, the defending champion who boasts the most women s titles (5 times) at the KOVO Cup, which began in 2006, has a chance to add a trophy. In the semifinals against Hyundai Engineering & Construction, which was on a winning streak at the 2023 KOVO Cup, he overcame his power inferiority and won the final first time. GS Caltex beat Hyundai Engineering & Construction 3-1 (23-25 25-23 25-17 25-20) with ace and captain Kang So-hwi s one-man show in the semifinals of the 2023 Gumi-Bodram Cup professional volleyball tournament held at Gumi Park Jung-hee Gymnasium in Gyeongsangbuk-do on the 4th. GS Caltex, a defending champion who won five KOVO Cups from its first championship in 2007, until 2012, 2017, 2020, and 2022, will increase its most wins to six if it wins the final on the 5th. The match drew attention with a de facto final matchup. Hyundai Engineering & Construction s four current national teams, setter Kim Da-in, middle blocker Lee Da-hyun, outside heater Jung Ji-yoon and libero Kim Yeon-gyeon, and six of the seven key players are former and current national teams. With them at the forefront, Hyundai Engineering & Construction won all three group qualifiers in Group A and advanced to the semifinals. Hyundai Engineering & Construction is ahead in objective power, but GS Caltex was ahead in one part. GS Caltex, which has Kang So-hwi, had the upper hand in the clear ace that can solve the decisive moment. Hyundai Engineering & Construction also has Yang Hyo-jin, the best middle blocker on active duty, but Yang Hyo-jin had a limit compared to Kang So-hwi, who protects the court every moment because he can only play three positions of potential. GS Caltex lost 0-3 to IBK Industrial Bank of Korea in two group qualifying matches. It was such a poor match that coach Cha Sang-hyun commented, I wonder if there has been such a bad game since taking office. GS Caltex succeeded in reversing the atmosphere by capturing the last match of the group stage against Heungkuk Life Insurance 3-0 the previous day, and continued the atmosphere to the semifinals and caught a big fish. The first set was also played in a close race in the early stages, and Hyundai Engineering & Construction led 18-13 in the middle of the set. GS Caltex tried to reverse the mood by putting in Choi Eun-ji, excluding outside heater Yoo Seo-yeon, who had been somewhat sluggish. GS Caltex, which started a slow chase with Choi Eun-ji s performance as a substitute and played a super serve with four points, including one serve, tied the score 22-22 in the second half of the set. However, he made a mistake late in the set that required concentration. Servero Han Soo-jin and ace Kang So-hwi gave up set points with serve errors, and Choi Eun-ji, who was good after the substitution, hit the last attack off the court, and



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