Part/full-time internet-based job chance

An excellent job to work with a reputed firm that provides online advertising work-from-home opportunities. You will be able to work from home and will be able to make your house as long as. You will have weekends off, working hours per day you decide, Monday through Friday. Job Deion: Online Advertising (where you need to do online Advertainment. Work is online ads posted on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Job Type: Part-time, as per your convinces time Schedule: Flexible time Education: 10 or 12 pass out Experience: No experience is required for this job Language: ? English, ? Hindi Pay 22000 to 40000 per month (as you work as you get) because it is a part-time job if you can do it full time. Eligibility criteria: above eighteen years, boys? girls, women, and men. Anyone can do this work. Benefits: ? Work as per convenience Thanks and regards Raghav Thakur Contact : + 91 7011630837 WhatsApp : TFG VACATIONS INDIA Pvt. Ltd. CLICK TO APPLY NOW



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