Early Childhood Educator Assistant

Junior Scholars Educational Childcare Ltd.Junior Scholars is licensed and an independent early education day care center that offer programs to children from age 11 months to 10 years. Junior Scholars nurtures and cultivates a caring comfortable environment to children through play academic well-being and utilizing technology to support learning. The program includes infant and toddler care Pre-K Daycare Junior Kindergarten Before and after school camps. Currently we are looking for Early Childhood Educator Assistants in our Surrey location to start continue or expand their careers at Junior Scholars. Job Title Early Childhood Educator AssistantEmployment Type Full-time PermanentStart Date As soon as possibleNumber of Position 2Hourly Wage 20.00 - 21.00 (Depends on qualification and work experience)Working Hours 30 hours per weekWorking Location 5728 142 Street Surrey B.C. V3X 0H4Benefits 10 days of vacation pay or 4% of vacation pay Job Duties Support early childhood educators in carrying out programs that promote the physical cognitive emotional and social development of children Assist early childhood educators or supervisors in keeping records Engage children in activities by telling stories teaching songs and preparing crafts Guide and assist children in the development of proper eating dressing and toilet habits Maintain daycare equipment and assist in housekeeping and cooking duties Prepare snacks and arrange rooms or furniture for lunch and rest periods Submit written observations on children to early childhood educators or supervisor Discuss progress and problems of children at staff meetings Attend staff meetings to discuss progress and problems of children. Qualification Completion of secondary school is required 7 months to less than 1 year experience in childcare is required Completion of an Early Childhood Education Assistant certificate program or post-secondary courses in Early Childhood Education may be required BC Early Childhood Educator Assistant (ECEA) certificate is required Criminal Record Check is required. How to Apply Please e-mail us your resume and cover letter to Junior Scholars Educational Childcare (juniorscholars.info(at)gmail.com) with the subject line of Full-time Early Childhood Educator Assistant - Junior Scholars. Please note that multiple submissions by one individual for this position will not be considered. Submissions will be reviewed and those who we believe might be a perfect addition to our team will be contacted. Inquiries e-mail only please. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from visible minority group members women indigenous persons persons with disabilities persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities and others with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with diverse communities.All qualified candidates with legal authorization to work in Canada are encouraged to apply however Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority.



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