Abrex 400 plate manufacturers in india

Vandan Steel & Engg. co. has some expertise in ABREX 400 Plate .With 25 years of involvement in supplying and sending out ABREX 400 Plate we offer superb, lower cost however the best administration. We are had practical experience in offering exactness designed ABREX 400 Plate , which are utilized as a part of different building applications and can be benefited in different evaluations likeABREX 400 Plate, Abrasion Resistant Steel Plates these evaluations are accessible as Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate ABREX 400 steels are the most for the most part used of the wear safe assessments. ABREX 400 demonstrates a phenomenal solidification of high imperviousness to impact, workability, weld limit and imperviousness to scraped area. ABREX 400 has around 3 times the scraped area resistance of ordinary steel plate and helps drawing out the organization life of mechanical parts. SPECIFICATION ABREX 400: Size: 5mm ~ 120 mm Width: Up to 3000 mm Length: Up to 12000 mm APPLICATION Screen Plates - Chute Liners Conveyor Buckets Cutting Edges Ripper Tyne Hoppers Ore Scrapers



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