
7 Healthy Foods to Skip, According to Dietitians By melting low-fat cheese over your egg whites, spreading margarine on ?light? bread, using plant-based crumbles instead of turkey or tofu in your tacos, and powering up with plant-based energy drinks instead of coffee, you may think you?re making healthy choices. But, according to registered dietitians, some of these so-called ?healthy? foods might not actually be a better option. In some cases, you might be missing out on important nutrients. In others, some of these ?healthy? products are more processed and may contain additives that, at best, aren?t offering any legitimate health benefits. At worst, the products may have some potential health consequences. Another consideration that should be a priority when it comes to food: enjoyment. Read on to hear which ?healthy? foods registered dietitians recommend you skip and what to choose instead.



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