Senior Structural Engineer PE

We are seeking a Senior Structural Engineer PE for our fast-paced growing structural engineering firm located near Manchester NH. Responsible for serving as the Structural Engineer of record on the firm s building design projects. Oversight of clients projects and engineering staff including coaching and mentoring junior engineers. Working with architects design-build contractors property managers building owners and homeowners. QA on calculations and plans. Performing feasibility studies and assisting with business and proposal development.Must have new and existing building structural design and leadership experience. Knowledge of building codes and standards and proficiency with structural design software.Bachelor s degree and Professional Engineer (PE) license in New Hampshire is required. PE licenses in additional States in the northeast would be a plus. Minimum of five years of professional experience in building structural design analysis and renovation.Highly competitive salary and outstanding benefits package including relocation from within the Continental United States. The majority of the time will be in the office however there is also flexibility for hybrid work just not fully remote. Must be authorized to work in the United States without sponsorship of any kind now and in the future.Please email your resume to nancy(at)



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