On-Demand Courier Delivery

We Offer FlexibilityWe are equipped to work with all industries and offer customized delivery options that can meet the unique needs of all clients. This can include same-day after-hour and weekend deliveries with coordinated support. We strive to provide friendly personalized service to every customer including dedicated account managers to ensure clients receive the assistance they need when they need it.Why Us Our staff is trained to provide prompt professional service every time. Our commitment to speed and convenience sets us apart from the competition ensuring our customers receive their packages within hours of placing an order.Our years of experience in providing same-day delivery services have also allowed us to establish strong partnerships with various community organizations allowing us to offer a seamless and efficient delivery experience. Choose to Send It Courier for the peace of mind that comes with knowing your package will arrive on time and in excellent condition.With our HIPAA-compliant procedures you can trust us to securely transport your time-sensitive medical items while adhering to the highest standards of confidentiality and data protection. MORE INFO Email delivery(at)senditsameday.com Phone (203) 510-8271 Website s senditsameday.com ADDRESS 259 overlook Ave New Britian CT 06053



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